Builders Exchange of Northwest Michigan

Proudly serving the construction industry since 1959

Join The Builder’s Exchange Of Northwest Michigan

The Builders Exchange of Northwest Michigan is the leading plan room for commercial construction projects in Northern Michigan!

The process to become a member of the Builder’s Exchange of Northwest Michigan is straightforward! All you need to do is complete the application below.

You can fill out the online form, or print out our downloadable PDF application to send to our office.

Once that is done, our team will get in touch with you to finalize your membership.

Member's Promise

Members agree to abide by our licensing agreements, and the policies and procedures of the organization. Membership runs for one year from the date your membership begins. A renewal invoice will be sent annually. 

Membership qualifications require that firms conduct their business on a highly ethical level and fulfill their contract and obligations.

The exchange desires to develop a membership designed to assure, skill, integrity and responsibility. The Board of Directors shall approve qualifying prospective members.

construction worker using saw on piece of wood on site

Become a Member Today!

  1.  Choose your Membership Level
  2.  Fill out application
  3.  We will contact you

Membership Application

To get started becoming a member of the Builder’s Exchange of Northwest Michigan, fill out the application below as completely as possible.  After doing so, you will receive an email with the invoice and another email with important information. 

If you prefer to sign up offline, you can also download the membership application in PDF format and send it to our office.

View a Full List of Member’s Benefits

You may fill out the application below or use the PDF download. 

Download Membership Application (PDF)

The annual fee for a business membership, which includes the online plan room in the Builders Exchange of Northwest Michigan, is $545. The annual fee for the premium membership, which includes the ability to view/print/email plans and specs, is $1095.  Our unique visitor add on allows you to see what other companies have viewed projects in our database. These memberships include up to 5 users for the project database.  

Business: $545 | Premium: $1095 | Unique Visitor: $110

Our affiliate membership provides networking and marketing opportunities with access to our events and sponsorship opportunities for those not needing access to the project plan room. 

Affiliate: $350 

One Project: $55 If you are interested in one project on our website, call with your credit card for access to one project.

By submitting this application, I understand and agree with the membership terms listed above. After submitting your application you will re-directed to our Membership Level page, where you can select your membership level and pay online.
By submitting this application, I understand and agree with the membership terms listed above. After submitting your application you will re-directed to our Membership Level page, where you can select your membership level and pay online.